Thursday, March 26, 2009

I decided to decide..

Life is full of decisions: many of them are random, and you have to learn to choose. It is important to make a decision and it is important too, to get on with it. Be a decisive person on unimportant matters too. Have sort of a keener sense of what to ignore and what to take time deciding than anyone you know. Don't you know that ninety nine percent of everything you do is unimportant. You may think it is important at the time, but you have to step out and look at it from 35,000 feet. Ultimately, none of these choices matter.

To learn to be decisive, just go to any food outlet; be it cafe, restaurant or even fastfood outlet that you have not been before. Ask for a menu, just go through the myriad of choices offered in the menu for five seconds and decide firmly on what to order! That is pretty quick decision making. Decisions are like garbage; the longer it takes to deal with them, the worse they smell.

...brush your teeth and have a glass of warm water before going to bed are the best decision for you. Sleep tight..

Everyday is a learning process

There are so many things we can learn from our surrounding. Everything.To save money. On how to manage your day. On how to keep a balance with your work life. On how to handle your personal life. On how to delegate.

Occasionally ask yourself; How many hours a day can you work? But your savings work for you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. So make sure to save money. The least you can do is put aside ten percent of your earnings, be it your monthly income, or your company's profit earning, or your commission, or even your savings interest, et cetera, et cetera and save it in a new account at another bank.

Almost supper..I'm having Fish Chowder with French Loaf along with Hot Lemon Tea. Happy eating :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Actually life are getting better..

:...that life does not come in snippets. It is not in pieces. You have to take it whole. Things come altogether. You cannot control everything. But some things you can control. And you should control what you can control. You have got to keep thinking things will be better in the future because they usually are. When you are right, do not let anybody else convince you you are wrong.

On the way back home, during my daily routine cycling, I planned to stop at nearby McD :) outlet to have Doublecheese burger and a glass of Orange Juice.

Friday, March 20, 2009

A piece of Pa and Ma

Everything you are is a result of your background. Everything. You have a piece of both your parents that you carry with you. In your daily activities, bad or good, there was a myriad of attitudes and directions, and of course, the do's and dont's. A sense of ethics, a sense of hardwork, fair play. Remember, people are watching at you. People needs you to cajole and charm them into going along with you.

For lunch, I'm having Hailam Noodles and Loh Hon Kor with Sea Coconut.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Remember these all the time: Honesty is the best policy; Good, better, best. Never let it rest till the good is better and the better is best. Treat others as you would want to be treated yourself. Create an atmosphere where people knew we cared about them. People knew if they had a problem, I'd come through to them. And when I had a problem, they'd come through for me. Be nonjudgemental. Be loving. Be humble. Gave your heart to people. Have a giving heart. Be generous. Be kind. Don't be such a smart-ass, it's more important to be kind than clever. If you're successful, you should help make your friends successful. Half of what you own belongs to those who need it.

..two nan, two chicken tandoori and a big glass of iced lemon tea will make my supper really enjoyable!

Friday, March 13, 2009

..size does not matter is not the size, bro.. it is the stamina.. you know what I mean.. the stamina! The question is not whether to be "big" or "small" in sizes at all. You have to free yourself from the tyranny of concentrating on growth for growth's sake. Stop thinking about size, and start thinking about health!

So, find time to runs, cycles or swims to sweat it out! And do not forget to eat lots and lots of green vege!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tidur yang bukan..

Di kaunter penyambut tetamu sebuah hotel bajet 'tali kasut'..(shoe-string budget hotel le tuu..), seorang tetamu hotel yang kelihatan sugul menghampiri kaunter, 'saya nak check-out!' Eh! kalau ikut rekod daftar masuk, encik nak duduk tiga hari...apa masalah yang bolih kami bantu?' kata penyambut tetamu yang bertugas.

'Malam tadi saya tak dapat nak tidur lena sebab setiap 15 minit, saya dengar dinding hotel di ketuk sekuatnya olih orang dari bilik sebelah.' luah tetamu yang nampak sangat kecewanya. 'Ok, encik duduk dulu sementara saya proses urusan check-out ni.' Kata penyambut tetamu menenangkan keadaan.

Selang beberapa minit, muncul sepasang suami isteri menghampiri kaunter, juga untuk check-out. Penyambut tetamu yang sama bertanyakan masalahnya. Si isteri yang nampak lebih sugul dari suaminya berkata, 'Kami langsung tak dapat tidur malam tadi sebab setiap kali kami nak lena, kami di kejutkan dengan dengkuran kuat dari bilik sebelah. Ini yang membuatkan suami saya terpaksa ketuk dinding untuk senyapkan orang di bilik sebelah!' Sambil tersenyum sendirian penyambut tetamu mulai faham dengan situasi yang berlaku...

..mamak kasi saya, Tosey Bawang sama Teh Susu Lembu satu!..siaPPPP!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wajah Wajah Masam

Jika apa yang kita lakukan itu buruk, hasilnya akan jadi buruk. Sebaliknya, jika apa yang kita lakukan itu cantik, hasilnya akan jadi cantik. Bagaimana kita bertindakbalas terhadap kehidupan seharian yang turun naik itu pasti membentuk keperibadian dan watak kita. Dengan kata lain, bagaimana kita bertindak menentukan siapa kita sebenarnya. 'Kata kerja' kita akhirnya menjadi 'kata sifat' kita. Jika hari hari kita bemuka masam menghadapi situasi 'sampah' atau manusia manusia 'sampah', takut pulak kalau kalau kita di tempiaskan dengan 'badi' yang sememangnya hendak di elakkan.

Perkara yang sama boleh di kaitkan dengan kepelbagaian urusan lain. Sebagai contoh, urusan perniagaan maupun tugasan. Jika kita menguruskan perniagaan atau kerja dalam keadaan terpaksa atau tertekan, kita pasti akan menjalankannya dalam keadaan wajah yang masam. Maka, percayalah hasilnya perniagaan kita, kerja kita juga akan berwajah muram, mundur dan akhirnya 'gulung tikar' (pilih tikar yang berkenaan: tikar getah , tikar mengkuang, tikar buluh, tikar padi dan lain lain tikar impot..) sebelum pun sempat melihat kemajuan atau mengecap kejayaan.

...musim hujan ni pekena KOPI SUSU PANAS dan ROTI KAYA BAKAR..sedap jugak!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Remember Where You Came From.

You're back home for a semester break after your first year at college. You've changed. Even what you wear daily are different from those worn by kampung folks. You're cool from the younger generation perceptions. Hip. Sophisticated. Uncle Teoh, who's known you since you were a baby, generously gives you a job right after your SPM. One day, he mention to your dad that your demeanour sometimes frightens the pets. Dad's not surprised. After all, you play Bob Marley songs till four a.m. You're not exactly a ray of sunshine. But dad's patient with you. Until one day,when dad's had enough. " The people in this kampung are your friends, the folks who were there for you when you were growing up.These are the people you could turn to, count on. Who teached, tutored, coached and cheered you.Don't think you're suddenly so much better than them just because you're in college. These people helped get you there". Dad then paused, take a deep breath and continue, "Don't forget the people who were with you from the start. Don't be such a big shot. Remember where you came from". A glass of lukewarm water will be OK before I go to bed. Happy sleeping...